In need of a good purge.

So I am at that point of the year when I want to throw away everything in my closet and start over, ala What Not to Wear style.  I literally want to give it all away.  Part of this is from gaining back the weight I had lost that required me to buy skinnier clothes (sounds good but you still have no clothes to wear).  Part of this is that I am in no way fashionable nor trendy, but I see other people wearing fashionable and trendy things and think, “Oooh, I wish I looked like that.”  Part of this is that most of my clothes are old and mostly t-shirts of weird bands.  And part of this is that I obtain a real joy from giving/throwing things away.  It is strangely peaceful.

This is what it looks like.  I get tired of my drawers/cabinets/closets being cluttered and overflowing with junk.  I ignore it for 6 months.  Then, I finally have a day of complete disgust and frustration, where I  pull out a garbage bag and start stuffing it with everything I do not need right at that second.  I may need it next week, but right now, I am so glad to be throwing it in the bag.  Also, it is easier to throw it away than to find a real home for it. Then, I forget I have thrown it away and a week later spend an hour looking for it angrily until I figure it out or just give up.

I may be one of the least organized people ever.

The funny thing is that I come from a family of extreme cleanliness and organization.  My mother and sister are probably a little (maybe more than a little) OCD.  Their houses are spotless and seem to repel dirt and dust.  I remember my mother dusting nearly every day.  You never had to worry if someone unexpectedly stopped by, because it was always clean.  Mine on the other hand has a forever layer of dog hair covering everything, places you would never dream dog hair could make it.  I don’t think I have ever made a meal that didn’t contain a white hair. (Sorry anyone who has ever had to eat my cooking.)  I gave up a long time ago. My desire to lay on the couch is much greater than my desire to have a clean house.

So back to the clothes.  I have no idea how to go about this rationally.  I know I should not literally throw away all my clothes and start over, mostly because I really don’t like shopping and would have to wear the same jeans and t-shirt over and over because I could never pick out anything new.  Also, maybe I should just try to start cooking again and stop eating out all the time.  I might actually fit back into those pants in a month or so. And also, I am super cheap.  Like really, really cheap.

I always see those moms that are so elegant and trendy in day to day life, and I wonder who has the energy to do that.  Who can make their hair look that nice ever, especially just on a Tuesday?  Not that I am wearing sweatpants everyday. But really, you wear heels to go to the park?

What might be a compromise then?  Nicer than old jeans and t-shirt but less ridiculous than cute dress and heeled boots.  Someone give me a makeover.  Or just some style advice.

    • lillianb
    • September 21st, 2011

    i am in the exact same boat. with the exact same style desires. 🙂

  1. My favorite trick: jeans and t-shirt with a scarf and/or a cardigan. Bam! Put together look.

  2. Amanda,
    This sounds just like me….minus all the dog hair. =) I like Steph’s idea…an accessory here and there, or a layered look makes it seem like you have time and energy to put yourself together. On days when I don’t want to do anything or if we have someone coming to the house and my husband gave me a 10 minute notice: I shove all the clutter in a closet, just put a scarf in my hair to hide the crazyness, some blush on my face so I don’t look as dead as I feel an oversized t shirt or one of my husbands button up shirts (sleeves rolled) some leggings, lip gloss a spritz of body spray and bam! All done.
    Something I’ve always tried to keep up on so I don’t feel so rugged all the time is keep my toenails polished and legs shaved, then I at least feel pretty, and don’t have to worry about it at the last minute before I go somewhere. Our life is so un predictable and spontaneous so I try to stay prepared for whatever happens.

    So, whether you decide to purge that closet or not now you have some great and cheap ideas to make you feel like the gorgeous awesome woman you are! Don’t forget to cut yourself some slack, you are a great mom and wife. Everyone loves you and you’re adorable as pie no matter what you wear =)

    xoxo angie

    • Amber
    • September 22nd, 2011

    wow…i can’t believe i made your blog 🙂 sure it’s representing me in some kind of weird mental health way, but still! anyhow, you always look amazing. i am also sometimes jealous of your ability to throw things out. have you seen my closet? totally organized, ridicuous amounts of clothing i haven’t worn in 5 years but won’t throw out! give yourself a break. be realistic in your purge and spend the time to organize it a little so that you are not tempted to throw it all away again in 6 months. maybe i could come for a weekend and help? we could make uncle squirrel babysit! love ya

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